Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ultrasound 11-11-08

Ultrasound 11-11-08
Originally uploaded by ye wenchie

Here's the most recent image of the baby upon this visit we found out that it's a girl! In regards to names I have one that I've settled on but the hubby finds it depressing although it means "to bring comfort." However everyone else who we have told has loved the name so there =P
Anyways in the pic she's getting big so you can only see her head and torso. She's healthy and very active I can feel her using my uterus as a punching bag, which happens more frequently in the evenings around dinner time. In addition to spending time with friends I've been doing the finishing touches on moving in to the apartment, and squeezing in some time for painting/ornament creation the first of these can be seen here . Within the next week I should have two sets of Holiday ornaments for up for sale in the shop.
Lately I've been in a much better and obviously more productive mood so my presence online has dwindled a bit. I will try to update more frequently once the apartment has become entirely livable with should be by the end of this week for a 24 tv movie party =D


. c h o k l i t . said...

I want big belly pictures!

Wenchie said...

My belly is still tiny it's just now getting to a size where I look more pregnant then fat =P

KieutiePie said...

omg a baby =x