Saturday, April 4, 2009

More about the Baby!

Sorry this is all I can talk about right now as she dominates my life at the moment. Anyways Saturday 4/4 was the day that Solace was supposed to be born =D and it also was the first time she met her uncle!

That's my brother Bryce with Solace.

More on the details of being a new mama
With home births it is recommended to have the baby get checked by a pediatrician within 72 hours after the baby is born. So once the birth happens the pediatrician is called and the appt is scheduled. The pediatrician I choose was Lauren Feder M.D. who is the author of "Natural Baby and Childcare"

which is a great resource for homeopathic remedies and Lauren recommends using the book during the off hours for non emergency situations. I decided to go with her because she seems to be the pediatrician leading the charge with homeopathy backed by her degree in the medical field. In addition to the book mentioned she also has another one about the ever controversial childhood vaccinations called "The Parents' Concise Guide to Childhood Vaccinations: From Newborns to Teens, Practical Medical and Natural Ways to Protect Your Child." I originally found out about her through my birthing class and I very thankful for her practice being local and that with her unique business she has space to see to Solace's care.
Tomorrow is our next visit and in other news about Solace she finally has been able to catch her ever elusive thumb to suck on and I shall leave you with a pic of that.

1 comment:

Hyla said...

Awww, Awwww, Awwww, that is toooo cute!